These 5 minimalist gift ideas can work with any budget or occasion, it’s really just your imagination that stops you. I’ll also share the gifts I avoid gifting and why. Also let me know in the comments what your favourite gift ideas are! Considering the 5 Love Languages can also be very helpful in finding…
Category: Minimalism
Minimalist Holiday Decor
Let’s decorate for the holiday season! In this video I share some budget friendly and minimalist tips when it comes to minimalist decor and getting ready for the holiday’s. Just because you’re more of a minimalist, does not mean you can’t keep things and create a cosy and welcoming space. In our family we blend…
Tips for a Stress-Free Holiday Season!
The holiday season brings a lot of fun and connection, but inevitably it also invites a lot of ‘must’ and ‘should’ into most of our lives. Here are 3 simple tips for a stress-free holiday season to make sure you can enjoy, connect and relax! Other stress-free holiday tips
Get Organised and Re-Set For The New Year
Sometimes life can feel overwhelming, messy and impossible. And in those moments when it’s all too much – where do we start? I will share how you can take take small, but super helpful steps to get organised and feel on top of things. In times of overwhelm and being hard on ourselves we need…
What’s in my minimalist wallet?
What’s a minimalist wallet set up anyway? The easy answer is basically to declutter what’s in your wallet AND make sure it’s a small enough size that you can’t fit anything in there that isn’t essential. Our wallets often hold way more things (cards, receipts, notes and other clutter) than we need on a daily…
3 Simple Life Hacks: Minimalist Tips To Help You Prioritise and Live Intentionally
Sometimes it’s hard to stay clear on your focus and prioritise the right things. That’s why I often lean on these 3 simple life hacks that keep life simpler and more aligned to what fills my cup. You might also want to check out my blog post and video on personal and professional values over…
What’s in my bag? Minimalist handbag setup
What is a minimalist handbag setup? Most of us carry around way more things than we need to in our handbag. In this short video I share what my minimalist handbag set up looks like, plus the bags I use for different purposes (work, going out etc). A few principles that saves a lot of…
Minimalist tips for a stress free holiday season
Get ready for my very simple minimalist tips for a stress free Christmas and minimalist Holiday Season. The holidays often means that things tend to ramp up and get busy, ironical in a way as this is also when we need relaxation the most! Here are some super simple tips to keep your to do…
5 sustainable AND minimalist gift ideas
Looking for some sustainable and minimalist gift ideas that help you save money? Look no further! Here are my 5 favourite gift ideas for any season or occasion! Planning ahead and budgeting for times in the year when you know you’re going to need to organise more gifts is super helpful, to make sure it’s…
3 Easy Habits for Simple Minimalist Living
Getting started with minimalism can often be a bit overwhelming. If you’re not in a great space for a massive declutter right now, these 3 simple habits or tips will likely be more helpful for you. I’ve been doing these 3 basic things pretty much every day for years, and it’s really helped me feel…